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Home >> Three dimensional object >> Right Circular Cone >> Total Surface Area of Cone >>

Total Surface Area of Right Circular Cone

Total Surface Area of Cone Lateral Surface Area of Cone Volume of Cone

What is total surface area of right circular cone ?
Suppose we have cone shape object like as mentioned in the below diagram

If we cut open it from the slant height the shape of cone will be as mentioned in the following diagram

so, total surface area of of cone is : Base Area (radius of cone) + Curved surface area

Formula of Curved Surface Area is : Π x Radius x Slant Height
Formula of Base Area is : Π x Radius2

or T.S.A. = Base Area + Curved surface area
Or T.S.A. of cone = Π x Radius2 + ( Π x Radius x Slant Height )
Or T.S.A. of cone = Π x R2 + ( Π x R x SH )
Or T.S.A. of cone = Π x R (R + SH)

Let's try out some examples to find total surface area of right circular cone

Example 1: Find total surface area of cone which has a radius of of 3m and slant height of 5m
Solution: Given things are
Radius = 3m
Slant Height = 4m

As we know that total surface area of cone = Π x R (R + SH) we get
T.S.A. of cone = Π x R (R + SH)
value of Π : 3.142

T.S.A. of cone = 3.142 X 3 (3 + 5)
T.S.A. of cone = 3.142 X 3 (8)
T.S.A. of cone = 9.426 X 8
T.S.A. of cone = 75.408m

Example 2: Find the slant height and total surface area of cone which has a radius of of 3m and height of 4m
Solution : The given things are
Radius = 3m
Height = 4m
Slant Height = ?

First we will find the slant height of cone by using the Pythagoras theorem and we get

Slant height2 = height2 + radius2
S.H.2 = (4)2 + (3)2
S.H.2 = 16 + 9
S.H.2 = 25
S.H. = √ 25
S.H. = 5m

As we now know the slant height i.e. 5m we can now apply the formula of total surface area of cone

As total surface area of cone = Π x R (R + SH) we get
T.S.A. of cone = Π x R (R + SH)
value of Π : 3.142

T.S.A. of cone = 3.142 X 3 (3 + 5)
T.S.A. of cone = 3.142 X 3 (8)
T.S.A. of cone = 9.426 X 8
T.S.A. of cone = 75.408m

Example 3: Find the height and total surface area of cone which has a radius of of 6m and slant height of 10m
Solution : The given things are
Radius = 6m
Height = ?
Slant Height = 10m

First we will find the height of cone by using the Pythagoras theorem and we get

Slant height2 = height2 + radius2
102 = (Height)2 + (6)2
100 = (Height)2 + 36
(Height)2 = 100 - 36
(Height)2 = 64
Height = √ 64
Height = 8m

Now we will apply the formula of total surface area of cone

As total surface area of cone = Π x R (R + SH) we get
T.S.A. of cone = Π x R (R + SH)
value of Π : 3.142

T.S.A. of cone = 3.142 X 6 (6 + 10)
T.S.A. of cone = 3.142 X 6 (16)
T.S.A. of cone = 18.852 X 16
T.S.A. of cone = 301.632m

Example 4: Find the total surface area of cone which has a height of 12m and a slant height of 15m
Solution : The given things are
Radius = ?
Height = 12m
Slant Height = 15m

First we will find the radius of cone by using the Pythagoras theorem and we get

Slant height2 = height2 + radius2
152 = (12)2 + radius2
152 = 144 + radius2
225 = 144 + radius2
radius2 = 225 - 144
radius2 = 81
radius = √ 81
radius = 9

Now we will apply the formula of total surface area of cone

As total surface area of cone = Π x R (R + SH) we get
T.S.A. of cone = Π x R (R + SH)
value of Π : 3.142

T.S.A. of cone = 3.142 X 9 (9 + 15)
T.S.A. of cone = 3.142 X 9 (24)
T.S.A. of cone = 28.278 X 24
T.S.A. of cone = 678.672m

Example : 5 - Find curved surface area of cone which has a radius of 3m and height of 4m
Solution : First we will find the slant height of cone by using the Pythagoras theorem and we get

Slant height2 = height2 + radius2
S.H.2 = (4)2 + (3)2
S.H.2 = 16 + 9
S.H.2 = 25
S.H. = √ 25
S.H. = 5m

Now we will find curved surface area

C.S.A. = Π x Radius x Slant Height
C.S.A. = 3.142 X 3 X 5
C.S.A. = 47.13m2

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