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Home >> Decimal >> Like Decimals >> Examples

Define Like Decimals : Solved Examples

Addition of Like Decimals Subtraction of Like Decimals

From the below series of decimals find like decimals:

A) 3.619, 24.283, 4.88, 1.023, 56.871, 7.1, 0.802
B) 48.37, 3.5, 4.39, 6.9, 5.3, 94.03, 17.4, 4.3, 459.87, 7.8
C) 11.111, 15.32, 1.045, 9.005, 704.45, 5.132
D) 100.1, 100.001, 42.74, 43.324, 1.493, 2.8, 1.02, 3.619, 15.32
E) find like decimals from below series
a) 56.8, 7.1
b) 0.802, 54.324
c) 3.8, 81.92, 1.02
d) 49.89, 2.81, 1.02
e) 43.329, 1.493, 9.3
A) 3.619, 24.283, 4.88, 1.023, 56.871, 7.1, 0.802

Solution: Let's find the decimal places of all the given decimals and we get:

3.619 has three decimal places i.e. digit 6, 1 and 9

24.283 has three decimal places i.e. digit 2, 8 and 3

4.88 has two decimal places i.e. digit 8 and 8

1.023 has three decimal places i.e. digit 0, 2 and 3

56.871 has three decimal places i.e. digit 8, 7 and 1

7.1 has only one decimal place i.e. digit 1

0.802 has three decimal places i.e. digit 8, 0 and 2

Now, we know Like Decimals are those which have same number of decimal places.

So, Decimals 3.619, 24.283, 1.023, 56.871 and 0.802 are Like Decimals because all have three decimals places.

B) 48.37, 3.5, 4.39, 6.9, 5.3, 94.03, 17.4, 4.3, 459.87, 7.8

Solution: Let's find the decimal places of all the given decimals and we get:

48.37 has two decimal places i.e. digit 3 and 7

3.5 has only one decimal place i.e. digit 15

4.39 has two decimal places i.e. digit 3 and 9

94.03 has two decimal places i.e. digit 0 and 3

6.9 has only one decimal place i.e. digit 9

5.3 has only one decimal place i.e. digit 3

17.4 has only one decimal place i.e. digit 4

4.3 has only one decimal place i.e. digit 3

459.87 has two decimal places i.e. digit 8 and 7

7.8 has only one decimal place i.e. digit 8

Now, we know Like Decimals are those which have same number of decimal places.

So, decimals 48.37, 4.39, 94.03 and 459.87 are Like Decimals because all have two decimal places.

And decimals 3.5, 6.9, 5.3, 17.4, 4.3 and 7.8 are also Like Decimals because all have one decimal place.

C) 11.111, 15.32, 1.045, 9.005, 704.45, 5.132

Solution: Let's find the decimal places of all the given decimals and we get:

11.111 has three decimal places i.e. digit 1, 1 and 1

15.32 has two decimal places i.e. digit 3 and 2

1.045 has three decimal places i.e. digit 0, 4 and 5

9.005 has three decimal places i.e. digit 0, 0 and 5

704.45 has two decimal places i.e. digit 4 and 5

5.132 has three decimal places i.e. digit 1, 3 and 2

Now, we know Like Decimals are those which have same number of decimal places.

And in the given series, there are two groups of Like fraction:

Group One - decimals 11.111, 1.045, 9.005 and 5.132 are Like Decimals because all have three decimal places.

Group Two - decimals 15.32 and 704.45 are also Like Decimals because all have two decimal places.

D) 100.1, 100.001, 42.74, 43.324, 1.493, 2.8, 1.02, 3.619, 15.32

Solution: Let's find the decimal places of all the given decimals and we get:

100.1 has only one decimal place i.e. digit 1

100.001 has three decimal places i.e. digit 0, 0 and 1

42.74 has two decimal places i.e. digit 7 and 4

43.324, has three decimal places i.e. digit 3, 2 and 4

1.493, has three decimal places i.e. digit 4, 9 and 3

2.8, has only one decimal place i.e. digit 8

1.02 has two decimal places i.e. digit 0 and 2

3.619 has three decimal places i.e. digit 6, 1 and 9

15.32 has two decimal places i.e. digit 3 and 2

Now, we know Like Decimals are those which have same number of decimal places.

And in the given series, there are three groups of Like fraction:

Group One - decimals 100.1 and 2.8 are Like Decimals because all have one decimal place.

Group Two - decimals 42.74, 1.02 and 15.32 are also Like Decimals because all have two decimal places.

Group Three - decimals 100.001, 43.324, 1.493 and 3.619 are also Like Decimals because all have three decimal places.

E) find like decimals from below series
a) 56.8, 7.1
b) 0.802, 54.324
c) 3.8, 81.92, 1.02
d) 49.89, 2.81, 1.02
e) 43.329, 1.493, 9.3

Solution: We know Like Decimals are those which have same number of decimal places, so:

a) 56.8, 7.1 - Like Fraction because all decimals have one decimal place

b) 0.802, 54.324 - Like Fraction because all decimals have two decimal places

d) 49.89, 2.81, 1.02 - Like Fraction because all decimals have two decimal places

point c) 3.8, 81.92, 1.02 and point e) 43.329, 1.493, 9.3 are not like decimals

Related Question Examples

  • From the below series of decimals find like decimals:

    A) 3.619, 24.283, 4.88, 1.023, 56.871, 7.1, 0.802
    B) 48.37, 3.5, 4.39, 6.9, 5.3, 94.03, 17.4, 4.3, 459.87, 7.8
    C) 11.111, 15.32, 1.045, 9.005, 704.45, 5.132
    D) 100.1, 100.001, 42.74, 43.324, 1.493, 2.8, 1.02, 3.619, 15.32
    E) find like decimals from below series
    a) 56.8, 7.1
    b) 0.802, 54.324
    c) 3.8, 81.92, 1.02
    d) 49.89, 2.81, 1.02
    e) 43.329, 1.493, 9.3
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