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Home >> Decimal >> Decimal to Mixed Fraction >> Examples

Convert Decimal to Mixed Fraction : Solved Examples

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Convert the following decimals into Mixed fraction

A) 3.75
B) 1.90
C) 18.18
D) 6.5
E) 1.625
A) 3.75

Solution: Follow the steps of conversion:
Step 1: Numerator of fraction is equal to decimal (without the decimal point) and we get: Numerator = 375

Step 2 : Find number of Decimal Place in the given decimal
Decimals Places = two (i.e. digit 7 and 5)

Step 3: Denominator of fraction is equal to 1 followed by as many number of zero as there are decimal place.

As calculated in step 2, there are two decimal place, so we will write two zeros next to digit 1 and we get:

Denominator = 100

Now, we know that: Fraction = Numerator

Put the values of numerator and denominator from step 1 & Step 3 and we get:

Fraction = 375

Now we will convert this fraction into lowest form

Step 4: Find HCF of numerator and denominator of fraction (calculated above)

Fraction = 375

HCF of 375 and 100 = 25

Step 5: Divide both numerator and denominator by HCF and we get:
Fraction = 375 ÷ 25
100 ÷ 25

Solve the above division expression and we get:

Fraction = 15

Now to convert above calculated fraction into mixed fraction, follow the below steps:

Step 6: Divide Numerator by denominator of above calculated fraction i.e.


Step 7: Quotient will be Whole Number Part of Mixed Fraction.

so, Quotient = Whole number Part = 3 (calculated above)

Step 8: Remainder will be now be the Numerator of Mixed Fraction.

so, Remainder = Numerator = 3 (calculated above)

Step 9: Denominator remains same, as calculated in step 5.

So, denominator = 4 and we get:

Mixed Fraction = 3 3

Solution: Follow the steps of conversion:
Step 1: Numerator of fraction is equal to decimal (without the decimal point) and we get:

Numerator = 1.90

Step 2 : Find number of Decimal Place in the given decimal

Decimals Places = two (i.e. digit 9 and 0)

Step 3: Denominator of fraction is equal to 1 followed by as many number of zero as there are decimal place.

As calculated in step 2, there are two decimal places, so we will write two zeros next to digit 1 and we get:

Denominator = 100

Now, we know that: Fraction = Numerator

Put the values of numerator and denominator from step 1 & Step 3 and we get:

Fraction = 190

Now we will convert this fraction into lowest form

Step 4: Find HCF of numerator and denominator of fraction (calculated above)

Fraction = 190

HCF of 190 and 100 = 10

Step 5: Divide both numerator and denominator by HCF and we get:
Fraction = 190 ÷ 10
100 ÷ 10

Solve the above division expression and we get:

Fraction = 19

Now to convert above calculated fraction into mixed fraction, follow the below steps:

Step 6: Divide Numerator by denominator of above calculated fraction i.e.


Step 7: Quotient will be Whole Number Part of Mixed Fraction.

so, Quotient = Whole number Part = 1 (calculated above)

Step 8: Remainder will be now be the Numerator of Mixed Fraction.

so, Remainder = Numerator = 9 (calculated above)

Step 9: Denominator remains same, as calculated in step 5.

So, denominator = 10 and we get:

Mixed Fraction = 1 9

C) 18.18

Solution: Follow the steps of conversion:

Step 1: Numerator of fraction is equal to decimal (without the decimal point) and we get:

Numerator = 18.18

Step 2 : Find number of Decimal Place in the given decimal

Decimals Places = two (i.e. digit 1 and 8)

Step 3: Denominator of fraction is equal to 1 followed by as many number of zero as there are decimal place.

As calculated in step 2, there are two decimal places, so we will write two zeros next to digit 1 and we get:

Denominator = 100

Now, we know that: Fraction = Numerator

Put the values of numerator and denominator from step 1 & Step 3 and we get:

Fraction = 1818

Now we will convert this fraction into lowest form

Step 4: Find HCF of numerator and denominator of fraction (calculated above)

Fraction = 1818

HCF of 1818 and 100 = 2

Step 5: Divide both numerator and denominator by HCF and we get:
Fraction = 1818 ÷ 2
100 ÷ 2

Solve the above division expression and we get:

Fraction = 909

Now to convert above calculated fraction into mixed fraction, follow the below steps:

Step 6: Divide Numerator by denominator of above calculated fraction i.e.


Step 7: Quotient will be Whole Number Part of Mixed Fraction.

so, Quotient = Whole number Part = 18 (calculated above)

Step 8: Remainder will be now be the Numerator of Mixed Fraction.

so, Remainder = Numerator = 9 (calculated above)

Step 9: Denominator remains same, as calculated in step 5.

So, denominator = 50 and we get:

Mixed Fraction = 18 9

D) 6.5

Solution: Follow the steps of conversion:

Step 1: Numerator of fraction is equal to decimal (without the decimal point) and we get:

Numerator = 65

Step 2 : Find number of Decimal Place in the given decimal

Decimals Places = one only (i.e. digit 5)

Step 3: Denominator of fraction is equal to 1 followed by as many number of zero as there are decimal place.

As calculated in step 2, there is only one decimal place, so we will write one zero next to digit 1 and we get:

Denominator = 10

Now, we know that: Fraction = Numerator

Put the values of numerator and denominator from step 1 & Step 3 and we get:

Fraction = 65

Now we will convert this fraction into lowest form

Step 4: Find HCF of numerator and denominator of fraction (calculated above)

Fraction = 65

HCF of 65 and 10 = 5

Step 5: Divide both numerator and denominator by HCF and we get:
Fraction = 65 ÷ 5
10 ÷ 5

Solve the above division expression and we get:

Fraction = 13

Now to convert above calculated fraction into mixed fraction, follow the below steps:

Step 6: Divide Numerator by denominator of above calculated fraction i.e.


Step 7: Quotient will be Whole Number Part of Mixed Fraction.

so, Quotient = Whole number Part = 6 (calculated above)

Step 8: Remainder will be now be the Numerator of Mixed Fraction.

so, Remainder = Numerator = 1 (calculated above)

Step 9: Denominator remains same, as calculated in step 5.

So, denominator = 2 and we get:

Mixed Fraction = 6 1

E) 1.625

Solution: Follow the steps of conversion:

Step 1: Numerator of fraction is equal to decimal (without the decimal point) and we get:

Numerator = 1625

Step 2 : Find number of Decimal Place in the given decimal

Decimals Places = three (i.e. digit 6, 2 and 5)

Step 3: Denominator of fraction is equal to 1 followed by as many number of zero as there are decimal place.

As calculated in step 2, there are three decimal places, so we will write three zeros next to digit 1 and we get:

Denominator = 1000

Now, we know that: Fraction = Numerator

Put the values of numerator and denominator from step 1 & Step 3 and we get:

Fraction = 1625

Now we will convert this fraction into lowest form

Step 4: Find HCF of numerator and denominator of fraction (calculated above)

Fraction = 1625

HCF of 1625 and 1000 = 125

Step 5: Divide both numerator and denominator by HCF and we get:
Fraction = 1625 ÷ 125
1000 ÷ 125

Solve the above division expression and we get:

Fraction = 13

Now to convert above calculated fraction into mixed fraction, follow the below steps:

Step 6: Divide Numerator by denominator of above calculated fraction i.e.


Step 7: Quotient will be Whole Number Part of Mixed Fraction.

so, Quotient = Whole number Part = 1 (calculated above)

Step 8: Remainder will be now be the Numerator of Mixed Fraction.

so, Remainder = Numerator = 5 (calculated above)

Step 9: Denominator remains same, as calculated in step 5.

So, denominator = 8 and we get:

Mixed Fraction = 1 5

Related Question Examples

  • Convert the following decimals into Mixed fraction

    A) 3.75
    B) 1.90
    C) 18.18
    D) 6.5
    E) 1.625
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